The April WI meeting heard reasons for the National WI to support, or not, the two resolutions for 2017. Plastic and microfibres in the sea, which Ruth Hoggins explained, was not only the hard plastics, that we all know about, but the microfibres that are released form non-natural materials each time these are washed. The members agreed with this as a worthy cause to try to lessen these dangerous fibres, getting into our oceans and then into the fish, and ourselves.
The second motion was to lessen loneliness, by actively seeking out lonely people and befriending them. Elaine Leader gave an interesting talk on this subject and carried the members to support this resolution. It was said, of course, that we and many other WIs aim to do this. By including and encouraging women to join the WI and by looking out for friends, neighbours and lonely people.
The committee were able to offer the members a choice of two venues for their annual Summer outing. The members present decided on Berrington House and gardens with lunch and secondly the Monkland cheese museum in Ludlow. Marion will book this for us and Jan has booked 12th July for the coach. May is the AGM and Lin reminded members they can use a proxy vote or postal vote now. Please let her know and she will send a form. At the AGM it will be necessary to find a new secretary. We don’t want our WI to go under! So anyone willing to share the load with Ann and Lin, please make your name know. We have a new treasurer, Jan Currie, who is kindly waiting in the wings.
After the AGM there will be the fun auction of items and promises. Please take any offers to Jan’s at Broadlands the week before. Next meeting 12th May. Lin Morris
New members are most welcome and we meet at Llanvapley Pavilion.